USA security officials voice concerns on air cargo

USA National Security advisor John Brennan is finding his messages reassuring the flying public that improvements are being made to in flight cargo security are being undermined.

Representative Bernie Thompson, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security and representative Sheila Jackson-Lee at year end 2010 described the present security status of passenger-cargo planes and all-cargo planes coming into the US from elsewhere as a "threat vector".

They have questioned the TSA's current security practices and expressed "great concern" about the security of US bound cargo originating from international ports. Senate leadership from the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee have echoed the message.

At a Senate hearing regarding the foiled Q4 terrorist plot originating in Yemen, chairman Joseph Lieberman said: "the plot was foiled due to an extraordinary tip handed to the US by Saudi Arabia and sheer luck.  Luck is not a strategy to defend our nation from the threats of terrorists."


USA security officials voice concerns on air cargo

USA National Security advisor John Brennan is finding his messages reassuring the flying public that improvements are being made to in flight cargo security are being undermined.

Representative Bernie Thompson, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security and representative Sheila Jackson-Lee at year end 2010 described the present security status of passenger-cargo planes and all-cargo planes coming into the US from elsewhere as a "threat vector".

They have questioned the TSA's current security practices and expressed "great concern" about the security of US bound cargo originating from international ports. Senate leadership from the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee have echoed the message.

At a Senate hearing regarding the foiled Q4 terrorist plot originating in Yemen, chairman Joseph Lieberman said: "the plot was foiled due to an extraordinary tip handed to the US by Saudi Arabia and sheer luck.  Luck is not a strategy to defend our nation from the threats of terrorists."