EU to get tough on airports?

The European Union has heavily criticised European airports for their failed handling of recent freezing weather after about 1,000 flights were cancelled across the continent on Tuesday.

European Transport commissioner Siim Kallas said airports had to "get serious" about planning.

But Europe's airport operators hit back at claims they had not done enough to prepare for the severe weather and Airports Council International (ACI), the association of European airport operators, said 88 per cent of flights to and from European airports had been operating.


EU to get tough on airports?

The European Union has heavily criticised European airports for their failed handling of recent freezing weather after about 1,000 flights were cancelled across the continent on Tuesday.

European Transport commissioner Siim Kallas said airports had to "get serious" about planning.

But Europe's airport operators hit back at claims they had not done enough to prepare for the severe weather and Airports Council International (ACI), the association of European airport operators, said 88 per cent of flights to and from European airports had been operating.