Airports blocked as rioters turn up heat

Rioters are running wild across France, with transportation, fuel supplies and education all taking a hit from ongoing strikes.

Airports are blocked, flights cancelled across the country, buildings and vehicles have been torched.

Protesters are opposed to government cost-saving measures that would see the retirement age raised from 60 to 62.

Riot police in body armour are forcing striking workers away from blocked fuel depots in western France and by Wednesday had restored gasoline to areas where pumps were dry.

In the Paris suburb of Nanterre and the southeastern city of Lyon, police sprayed tear gas but appeared unable to stop the violence.


Airports blocked as rioters turn up heat

Rioters are running wild across France, with transportation, fuel supplies and education all taking a hit from ongoing strikes.

Airports are blocked, flights cancelled across the country, buildings and vehicles have been torched.

Protesters are opposed to government cost-saving measures that would see the retirement age raised from 60 to 62.

Riot police in body armour are forcing striking workers away from blocked fuel depots in western France and by Wednesday had restored gasoline to areas where pumps were dry.

In the Paris suburb of Nanterre and the southeastern city of Lyon, police sprayed tear gas but appeared unable to stop the violence.