14 WA Changing Places just the start

Health & Leisure
Saturday, 05 December 2015
The Western Australian government has confirmed the locations of 14 Changing Places to give people with disability more freedom to move around their community and the state.

The A$2 million Changing Places program provides clean and private facilities that are different to standard accessible toilets, with an adult-size change table, hoist and enough space for two people to assist.

Changing Places will be established in metropolitan locations, including Elizabeth Quay, Yagan Square, Scarborough, Perth Stadium, the new Waterbank development adjacent to the Causeway in East Perth and the City of Cockburn.

In regional WA, there will be Changing Places in the Albany tourism and information hub, Broome Recreation and Aquatic Centre, cities of Greater Geraldton and Mandurah, Town of Narrogin and Shire of Toodyay.

The first Changing Place in the network to open will be at Elizabeth Quay in early 2016, with other facilities planned for construction over the next two years.  More locations will be announced as they are confirmed.