ECM sets stage for 'sharing economy impact' at agm

Friday, 13 May 2016

European Cities Marketing will discuss the impact of the sharing economy on city tourism during its annual meeting.

The so-called sharing economy or connected economy is not only challenging the well-established business models of city tourism, but it is also presenting great challenges and opportunities for city planners, managers and marketers.

At the ECM Annual Meeting in Madeira, 08-11 June, European Cities Marketing will offer a full two-day strategy seminar where participants will meet some of the key players of the sharing economy.

Ignasi de Delàs, ECM president, commenting on the seminar said: “The real sharing economy is a great way for visitors to engage with the locals - to get the real and authentic city experience delivered by real people, living real lives.

"On the other hand, it has been strongly criticised for being just the opposite, for being nothing but big business tagged with all of the familiar immoralities of full blown capitalism - tax evasion, violation of labour rights and consumer protection laws to name a few.

"ECM wants to contribute to this discussion, offering its members and all the attendees useful information, experiences, views and options of the different players and more importantly to provide best practices to understand the complexity of the topic and inspire members to promote application in their cities."