DIBP flags Schedule 8 changes

Latest News
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Australia’s Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) Notice 2017/30 advises users that various table items under Schedule 8 are being repealed on 20 September 2017. 
The Notice repeals table items 123 to 125 inclusive of Schedule 8 to the Customs Tariff Act 1995 (the Customs Tariff Act) effective from 20 September 2017. Repealing these table items reduces the preferential Customs duty rates for eligible goods from five per cent to ‘free’. These amendments apply to goods imported into Australia: • on or after 20 September 2017; and • before 20 September 2017, where the time for working out the rate of Customs duty was not before 20 September 2017.  
Australia agreed to remove Customs duty on pesticides and herbicides from Indonesia, and Indonesia agreed to reduce Customs duties on Australian sugar. These amendments follow the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations. 

The changes to the Tariff can be found at: 
