Brisbane charity accepting unused in-flight meals

Unused food on aircraft flights and even some from flight kitchens is being distributed to those less fortunate in Brisbane, Australia.


OzHarvest Brisbane is part of a firm that takes quality excess food from commercial outlets across the country for delivery, direct and free of charge, to more than 200 charities.

Queensland state manager Cameron Hickey said: "We collect food that didn't end up on the flight or did end up on the flight but hasn't been opened.

"Pretty much anything you're seeing on an airline is something we can redistribute, as long as it's still in a fit state to eat."

Brisbane charity accepting unused in-flight meals

Unused food on aircraft flights and even some from flight kitchens is being distributed to those less fortunate in Brisbane, Australia.


OzHarvest Brisbane is part of a firm that takes quality excess food from commercial outlets across the country for delivery, direct and free of charge, to more than 200 charities.

Queensland state manager Cameron Hickey said: "We collect food that didn't end up on the flight or did end up on the flight but hasn't been opened.

"Pretty much anything you're seeing on an airline is something we can redistribute, as long as it's still in a fit state to eat."